Thank you for this piece. I don’t recall anyone embracing the “liberal” label for a long time. A lot of people proudly proclaim themselves “progressive.”
And the progressivism they espouse too often reveals itself on examination as a philosophy of hatred. But of course, they’re angrily standing against hatred and intolerance, so anyone who points out their hatred and intolerance must be the enemy. And in intolerantly hating anyone who doesn’t follow their groupthink, they have become the most thoroughly hypocritical part of American society.
Progressivism used to be an intellectually respectable position, although it’s no coincidence that progressivism and Jim Crow appeared on the scene at the same time. People have forgotten how much they had in common a century ago. Progressives were late to the party in the civil rights movement, so their anti-white rhetoric is just another aspect of their hypocrisy.
I’m glad for the evidence in your article that some people have begun to realize what has happened and determined to come out. It will take courage.
I have long wondered what happened to the center in American discourse. I have lately wondered what became of real conservatives. As I say, I haven’t heard much from liberals for such a long time that I almost forgot about you.